Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving '82

I found this Thanksgiving-themed masterpiece in one of my old boxes, and I was surprised to learn that I'm still using the same basic drawing technique now that I was using as a 7-year-old. And what technique is that? Masking my inabilities through shortcuts and trickery, of course. Consider my more recent drawings... the gradient backgrounds, the Photoshop-selection-tool shadows, and the way my characters frequently conceal their poorly-drawn hands behind their backs or in their pockets. Yes, the art of using shortcuts to hide shortcomings remains the essence of my drawing "style."

Look at this drawing... I used that exact technique. Obviously I wasn't sure how to draw a turkey's head. No matter... that's why a page has borders. Clever staging seamlessly covered up that potential hang-up. I wasn't the best at drawing trees either, so I labeled the tree, thus wiping away any possible confusion there. And if you're having trouble finding the fox, that's because I cut back on drawing time by hiding his body behind the labeled tree. If you still can't find him, just read the labels.

But the best part of this drawing is its clear depiction of the first Thanksgiving... when the pilgrims and the feathered-beret-wearing pimps gathered together in the tall dead, grass of autumn beneath hovering trees to feast, to give thanks, and to make fun of people who wore purple jumpsuits... which is still what Thanksgiving means to me.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!


  1. Awww...I love to see little Shane drawings. You've come a long way - even with drawing hands.

    I'd make fun of the purple jumpsuit too. That's just ridiculous.

  2. You really should have labeled the pimp too.

  3. Classic! My little guy does the labeling thing too. I am especially fond of the branches in the tree...they look more like turkey legs than the actual turkey legs in the drawing. LOL! I agree also about the purple jumpsuit....did Indians wear those back then? ;-) Nice!

  4. hahahah what craks me up most is that you nailed that turkey with how dead he looks. Amazing how you bring things to life ( and death ) in your works

    Im keepin my eye on that sneaky ace fox in the bg......

  5. That's awesome!!! Thanks for the laugh.

  6. "feathered-beret-wearing pimps" LOL!

  7. haha i am laughing out loud as i read your post, I just hope my flatmates dont think Im a weirdo

    awesome post.

  8. "Masking my inabilities through shortcuts and trickery" I had no idea we were using the same technique.

  9. You've just convinced me to keep my kids artwork even though it takes up half the house.

  10. If only I'd trained in this genious technique! Super

  11. Love this! your posts are always brilliant! :) Happy thanksgiving!

  12. Happy Thanksgiving Shane!
    I need internet at my place. This visiting the library so I can check my e-mail and visit blogs is for the birds.

    Speaking of birds... hope you ate lots. I know I did! The funeral was kind've a bummer though. Later!

  13. Man...you were good, even as a 3-year-old! I noticed you were careful to put buckles even on the pilgrim's shoes. And I like the suspense. The fox is going to eat them next.
