Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Witchy Silhouette

This week's Toon Club topic was Witches. I drew this really quickly, because I wanted to get it done before I drove myself crazy. As it turns out, I can't draw a witch without the soundtrack from "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" playing on an endless loop in my giant head. Treguna mekoides tracorum satis dee! Man, I hate my brain.


  1. Yah, it looks like you drew it fast. You're amazing. love it! Love the leave picture too. I wish you were stopping in St. George. Honk as you drive by my house.

  2. the leave picture, what? I meant leaf picture or leaves picture.

  3. Love it, love it. The leaves are hilarious. I used to think the same thing. Reminds me of a Calvin and Hobbes skit!

  4. fantastic! I can practically hear her evil, echoing cackle!!

  5. You so need to make prints of this...

    I love the cats toes spread apart!

  6. This is very funny. A well thought out design. Very cool.

  7. You have to be our most prolific artist at avalanche. I meant to comment on your last one but this is great as well! The shapes are so strong.

  8. I've decided that your work is like a cross between Gary Larsen and Norman Rockwell. Like Gary because they are so funny with a style all of there own, and Norman Rockwell because they speak so much to the human psyche.

  9. As soon as I read "...soundtrack form "Bedknobs and Broomsticks"... I immediately started singing "floating along, on the bottom of the beautiful briiiiiiiny sea". Talk about hating your brain...
    When me and my buddies would do madlibs as kids, anytime it asked for a place name, I would always say Naboomboo...
    Aw heck, I still say Naboomboo for a place name when I'm playing madlibs. Actually, I say Naboomboo all the time just for fun.

  10. Oh man. I didn't realize that I hadn't commented yet on this. I love it! I didn't realize it was yours at first when I was looking at the toon club blog. I'm jealous you could just whip this out before you sang that song too many times. It's great.

  11. Funny how things like that stick in your head forever!! :-)
