Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Copy Cat

"Copy cat." What a dumb expression. I just spent a few of my life's most boring minutes researching its origin, and it seems that it may have derived from the way kittens have been known to imitate the behaviors of their mothers. Yeah... because that's a uniquely kittenish thing to do. If copying your mother's behavior is something only cats do, then why do I say "good glory" in the place of swearing? I think it's because my mom "swears" that way, and also because I'm apparently a cat.


  1. Haha! How cute is that!! Love it!

  2. I stumbled onto your blog from Illustration Friday and the 13th ladybug. I love today's entry. The face on the little cat is priceless. Your art AND your editorial totally brighten my day. Thanks for the lift!

  3. This is such a cool idea! Congrats.

  4. Ah - so THAT'S how you do such wonderful linework - you have a paw instead of a hand. I KNEW you had an unfair advantage!

    Seriously tho - great piece!

  5. Haha. There is nothing like oldschool cussing. My Dad says "Oh law", to replace who knows what other horible word.

  6. I'm glad to see that you spend your time "researching" such important things. You're a weirdo.

    Also, cats are lame.

  7. good observation... thanks for sharing that haha.

    I love this drawing too. I always say that tho. But only coz its true!

  8. Oh glory! I do the same thing. You're such a copy cat.

  9. Good Glory Shane! That's hysterical. You're wife's right, you're a weirdo. But then aren't we all? We're also all cats.

  10. Good glory indeed! You totally captured me pretendin to be you to a t!! Although I picture you much much happier....

    A lovely volley of humor Mr Lewis

  11. and we know how much you love cats. Great cats, the one looks like he could eat the other in one bite.

  12. i'll be honest with ya, i couln't really tell that the cat was indeed not Gizmo from Gremlins. but the entire rendering is still clean and entertaining as usual, and the commentary is definately worth my reading it to all my friends... yep... both of em.
