Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Lyle Gunnerson

I drew this for the most recent topic on the Avalanche blog: "Wanted in the Wild West."

I never realized how much fun it is to draw cowboys... all the more reason to bring a sketchbook to the state fair next month. That place is a sketchbook goldmine with its pig races, bears on unicycles, countless wandering fair-going weirdos, and the opportunity to see the world's tallest horse for just fifty cents. Yeah, I know if I'm there, that makes me a "fair-going weirdo" too. But at least my belt buckle's smaller than my head.


  1. Should I be alarmed by the fact that that looks just like a cousin of mine? Nice job! I just love it when I come to your site and there's a new post! Excellent!

  2. A name like Lyle definitely fits 'im. Well done!

  3. weeeeeee haaaawww

    i dont like anyone eyeballin my horse niether...

    great post shane!

  4. That's a great one. You've got to visit the Calgary Stampede if you want a schmorgasboard (sp?) of weirdos! Or you can just check out our cabinet ministers!

  5. I'm going to the Weird Al concert at the fair. Imagine the freaks that will be in attendance. Still, I'd rather roll with that crowd than the offspring of Gollum and Kira from Planet of the Apes that will be paying fifty cents to see that horse.

  6. I will keep my eye out for that guy, $5000 is a nice chunck of change.

  7. Great work Shane, really like the expression you gave his body.

  8. this is my favorite one yet- it makes me want to draw up a few gunslingers ma'self...

  9. Great as usual. I really love the composition.

  10. considering the size of your head, most people would agree that in order for you to have a belt buckle that was bigger you would have to use a picnic table

    ...that extremely rude comment out of the way, I love your drawing.

  11. This is great. I love your humor.

  12. he's fantastically smug in his wanted pic.
    it really looks outstanding!
    ... and lyle does really suit him well :)

  13. WOW!!! the aged paper effect you did on this one is awesome! It's great to see you expanding your horizons, this one's definitely a success!

  14. OK...but didn't you just blog about how big your head is? I swear you just wrote about that. LOL! So technically, the fact that your belt buckle is smaller than YOUR head, really isn't saying much...right? ;-) ;-)
