Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Death By Vacation

Vacation days are too few. If I had 120 vacation days a year, I would probably allow myself to spend a few of them relaxing at home. I could certainly use that kind of break. But because vacation days are so limited, I refuse to waste them on boring activities like "resting" or "breathing." In fact, I can't think of the last time I had a day off that wasn't considerably more exhausting than going to work would have been.

I've heard people say at the end of a tiring day that it was "no day at the beach." For me a day at the beach is worse. A typical one consists of about nine hours of fighting the ocean tide, a three-mile walk through the sand while the sun sets, and about eight hours of card games. A day at the beach nearly kills me because a night at the beach is only a few minutes long.

This drawing shows how I feel when I get home from a typical vacation. Now that I think about it, if I had 120 vacation days a year, I'd already be dead. It would just be more time I'd refuse to waste.

I love vacations... they're a fun way to die.


  1. This really is no exaggeration either - I can barely keep up with you on vacations. One of these days we'll have a relaxing trip - I'm sure of it!

  2. hmmm... fishing trip in the Dead Sea sounds like it would be a nice suitable vacation for ya ;)

  3. I went to the beach for my last holiday. Let me tell you that it was lots of fun because my 3 year old son went #2 on the beach (right next to the volley ball court) then when I told him to go swimming (to help clean himself off) he read right through what i was suggesting and instead parked himself in squating position in front of everyone right on the edge of the water and pulled his pants down and washed himself right there.

    I was laughing so hard I forgot that I was his dad and needed to get him to stop.

    I covered his deposit on the beach with a medium sized rock.

  4. How true - I always need that extra day at home before I get have to get back to work :) Really nice drawing too!

  5. Too true! Now if this was a drawing of me, you would need to add 2 kids (that somehow seemed to gain energy with each day of the vacation) climbing all over me and playing with cheap little souvenirs that will be broken or lost within 6 hours.

  6. That's exactly how I feel post vacation, and it's worsened by the fact that you have to unpack/shower/do laundry etc.

  7. I discovered your blog and i like it so much. Its true, it supposed that in holidays we must rest and what we do is to return worse. I visit you usually (and sorry for my english)

  8. Too interesting post, Shane! Dude, just kind of forget to do something that involves getting out of the house.

    Observation: your blog and a whole bunch of other blogs I really like are at the half-full point in Google's Page Rank meter that's inside my Google Toolbar. What is this all about?

  9. I always need a vacation after my vacation. A real break would be some time away with my husband and without the kids. I love 'em, but a vacation, they aint!

  10. so hilarious..we just got back from ours and I now have a raging cold because of all the "relaxation". your drawing..yes. very good.

  11. my husband totally agrees with you. I actually prefer to do things on my vacation, but him, he wants, literally to sit on his butt and stare at grass growing. Too boring for me tho. I do have to agree that the activities we plan on vacation can be more exhausting than working, but at least you're getting exhausted doing what you want to do

  12. you nailed how I feel this week....

    thank you for puttin it to words and an wonderful pic

    Lunch next week still yeh?

  13. Ditto for lrlewis comment, although you have to remember they have REALLY good cokes at DW

  14. AnonymousJune 12, 2008

    u r too cool dude.. was just browsing through and stumbled upon ur blog - and been stuck reading almost all ur posts since the past -wht - 20 mins! That's the longest in the human history of reading blogs i blv! (just one blog tht is!)

    as for the vaccations - yeah i blv i'd rather have a fun punch vaccation tht'll kill me rather than WORK thts killing me now!
