Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Never Beginning Story

If you've seen The Neverending Story in the last 20 years, you've seen it more recently than me. I don't remember a lot about that movie... just that the main villain was "nothing," the horse sunk into tar because its self-esteem was low, and of course, Falkor - the flying snake-dog with udders or tentacles or something. I guess when a snake and a flying dog breed, the result is a "dragon." What a messed up movie. What?! It was written by a German? No.


  1. hahahahaha I need to watch that movie again

  2. hi Shane!!
    wonderful pic as usual!!!
    i love your work!
    my best compliments!!!!
    btw,the neverending story was written by a German,and i recommend you to read the book that is 100times better than the movie!:)

    good work!


  3. you're intrigued with the oddness of this movie? I guess you haven't seen the third one with the rock eater guy on his very own stone-cycle riding through the forrest singing 'born to be wild' r'sumthin. ohhhh the horror...

  4. Man, you made it sound lame...oh wait ,it was lame. Wonderfully messed up idea, especially the heart shaped coil. Nice work!

  5. Oh man, the mating dance that brought falcor into existence...or nonexistence, whatever the case may be? You make my Thursday begin with a Friday laugh.

  6. Nice to finally see that snake-dog's parents. Hey, I stumbled across a blog of old Disneyland pics (1960's on). Thought you'd enjoy it.

  7. I haven't seen this show since I was a kid. Want to know why? For the same reason why I'm never going to see it again, either.

  8. Years ago I went and found a copy of that book just to figure out what the heck the kid yells out the window... you know, when the creepy girl commands, "Sebastian, say my name!" yeah... It's Moonchild. Moonchild! Just another ingredient to make that movie ridiculous.

    Great illo btw =)

  9. LOL!!! You're hysterical! It's funny because it's so true - I loved that movie as a child, though I never could figure out WHAT Falkor was. Oh, and thanks Katie McDee for solving the mystery of the name he shouts. That's been bugging me for years! (I know - I don't have a lot to keep my mind busy with :P )

  10. Marvelous! Shane, you're amazing!

  11. Genial!!!!....jajajajaaj
    Buen trabajo.

  12. jajajajaaj says it all! Took the words right out of my mouth!

  13. haha great take on the topic. i think there was a wolf in that movie too - and a giant turtle as well..great pic

  14. Those silly Germans. ;-) Nice illustration...

  15. i just dropped my bagel...WOW! that super cute puppy hooked up with that er, basilisk? and they made a baby that was in that movie, as the white flappy flying dog snake? ahhh...

    so clear now...that movie was really complex. :)))

    great characters, btw... ")

  16. great characters -- they really pop!

  17. Great cartoon charactors with an even better explanation. You have solved the "NES" riddle I have been wondering about all these years.


  18. ahahahaha very funny text! I don´t remember some details of that movie. Great cartoon charactors! =D
