Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tobias Fünke

Arrested Development was the best TV show ever, and then it was cancelled because you didn't watch it. If you did watch it, ignore that last part where I attacked you needlessly.

Dr. Tobias Fünke is a "nevernude." He wears Levi cutoffs under his clothes. He also tried to join the Blue Man Group after mistaking them for a support group for depressed men. If you haven't seen Arrested Development, go do it now... I'll wait here.


  1. I watched it. It's amazing how stupid shows like Friends (yes, I said it, Friends is a stupid show) stayed on for ten years and we only get two and half seasons of Arrested Development. Not cool.

    Please do a drawing of Buster - with a juice box.

  2. as per your advice I watched them all. It is the best show ever. Thanks for waiting for me so I could post.

    Its funny cause today I was just talkin about tobias and how his character would be fun to animate.

    You captured him perfectly Shane


    awesome :)

  4. Arrested Development was my favorite show, and Tobias was my favorite character on that show. So, naturally, I really love this post. Nice work!

  5. AnonymousJune 14, 2007

    Hmm..I think I'm one of the ones that caused its tragic demise. I've never even heard of this show! LOL! Please don't stone me. So I think I'm a little lost with the story behind the drawing, but I love it anyway.....well done as always! :-) P.S. You have to try the S'More. It WILL probably make you fatter just thinking about it....but it's worth it. Jog around the blog a few times afterwards! :-)

  6. Great job! You really captured him.

    I agree the show was hilarious and if you haven't already seen it check this site for some more Arrested Development sketches.

  7. Lovin' it! I miss this show. We need an Arrested Development movie...

  8. Dare I say, "Awwwwwweeeeee, soooo cuuuuuuuuute!"

  9. Thought I'd check this out on your blog... Didn't lose any of the humor on the trip over from Toon Club. Tobias Funke... Pensive Blowhard.

  10. I miss this TV serie :(

    I think that it's the best with "Curb Your Enthusiasm" I like them!

    Good illo! : ))

  11. oh, didn't watch that one. lots of dumb shows out now so don't spend too much time with them. like the oldies much better! i like your character anyway and that color of blue...

  12. I was a huge fan of AD. I miss it. Not sure I would say it's better than the office. :-)

    Great illo!

  13. someone just told me that jason bateman is like, almost 50. that just can't be. we all grew up togther, he, me, justine, ricky, just rick, i guess.

    tobias made the show, tho...despite grinning teen wolf 2. :)

    you nailed his nose, shane! :)

  14. I'm sorry I didn't watch it. I'm feeling massive guilt at the moment. I will look forward to seeing it on DVD though.

  15. Oh! i love him!
    Really nice style!

  16. i too am burdened with an overriding guilt at not having seen it.. one of those shows you always hear about, but never get round to watching it..

    great illustration though.!! lol

  17. Good times. You do realize that he also had a dual discipline. He was an analyst and therapist and a good analrapist is hard to find!

  18. Do these effectively hide my thunder?

    NICE work, man
