Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Otters Are Jerks

While watching BBC's Planet Earth a couple of days ago, I saw some footage that blew my mind... and now I know something I'd never even assumed before: otters are complete jerks. It's true! Much like high school girls who seem sweet and innocent in pictures or when there's just one of them present, otters become largely unbearable when they're in groups.

The clip shows a romp of otters (which is what pretentious people call a group of otters, even though "group of otters" would obviously suffice) nipping at the tail of an unthreatening crocodile and backing down another crocodile for no good reason. The narration explains that a crocodile "could easily take a single otter, but confident in their gangs, the otters will actively harass these great reptiles."

I love that the crocodiles are buying it... allowing themselves to be intimidated by a parcel of squeaky toys (which is what pretentious people call a group of squeaky toys). If a crocodile would just gobble up a handful of otters, I imagine the tide would turn. Until then... otters are jerks.


  1. hahahah
    PLanet earth rocks. Love your observation with that episode. Made my day yet again!

  2. this turned out awesome. It's better because its true. the looks on those otters are great! and how considerate of you to post the clip link.

  3. AnonymousJune 05, 2007

    I really enjoy your blog.

    I'm always trying to find funny, enjoyable blogs, and yours is still the first one I come back to to read.

  4. AnonymousJune 05, 2007

    Oh sad. Look at that sad bullied look on the alligator's face. LOL! I can actually hear the little snigger from the two otters that put the sign on his back. LOL! This is hilarious Shane.

  5. Hahahahahahaha ...

    *takes a breather*

    Hahahahahahahahaha ...

  6. Amazing and funny. I wonder if pretentious people are found in the wild? And what would you call them?

  7. That alligator is awesome! And the picture is hilarious. Great job.

  8. I love it! The otters seemed to have a fairly educated sense of humor... Something else I learned on Planet Earth. Their favorite comedian is Dennis Miller.

    I love the weight and proportions of the croc. Very nice work, sir!

  9. Wow! Youhave some great stuff! Especially love the flying pig!

  10. great image. I need to watch that episode.

  11. Man, I never knew.. they always seemed like such nice boys.. great piece, Shane!

  12. I got this series on Blu-Ray and I've been watching it in it's HD glory. I recently saw this episode and thought the same thing.

  13. Love those expressions, hilarious idea! Nice job, man.

  14. your character designs are boss dude!

  15. I love this, your otter and and croc designs are so cute!
