Thursday, May 17, 2007

Back from Disney World

Welcome, blog visitors! You may have noticed that I haven't posted anything in a while. That's because I spent the last week in Orlando. I took this picture on Tuesday at the Magic Kingdom. If you look at it while sitting in a cauldron of boiling water, you'll feel like you were in Orlando on Tuesday too. I don't love the humidity, but it was a nice vacation all the same. Is it even considered a "vacation" to go to Disney World when you work for Disney? Did I take a week off of work, or did I put in an 80-hour week?

Hey, those of you who follow my blog may be impressed to know that I swam with
sharks at Typhoon Lagoon last Thursday. Am I insane? They gave me a snorkel, but I didn't even end up needing it. As it turns out, I can hold my breath for more than 7 minutes when I'm concentrating on not crapping my shorts out of fear. Who knew?

Thank you all for your comments and for stopping by. Come back soon - I'll have something new here in the next couple of days. It's time to get back to drawing after an exhausting week of extensive "overtime" in Florida.


  1. If I were you I would consider working for Disney to be a vacation! Disney World is always a plus though.

    Well done for braving the sharks, I did that last year with my girlfriend. Ended up with a mask full of water! It wouldn't have surprised me if there was a fish there too!

    Now I have visions of someone with a huge shark crammed into their goggles!

  2. AnonymousMay 17, 2007

    Poor poor Shane. Another business trip. Bummer! LOL! I taught at a convention in Orlando 2 summers ago in July and didn't really have much time to go to Disney...but did take a trip out to Planet Hollywood (gal I was with has a goal to visit every one there is. Tasted just like TGIFridays to me...I would have rather seen something I CAN'T see here in Utah...oh well). Literally the SECOND we stepped out of the hotel, I felt like every last breath was SUCKED right out of me. I was seriously gasping. How the crap do they survive down there?? Good GRIEF!!!!!!!!!!! Chas and I went to Disneyworld for our honeymoon in JANUARY...and that was the PERFECT time to go. The weather was perfect, if not slightly rainy, and there was NO ONE there. LOVED IT! Anyway...glad to hear you survived another grueling business trip. Seriously cool that you were able to swim with sharks. So can you write activities like that off for being "research?" Very cool. And 7 minutes holding your breath? GoodNIGHT...that's a long time. Glad to have ya back (dang...sorry for the BOOK of a comment here! LOL!).

  3. Welcome back. How I have missed reading your witty banter. Your holding breath comment seriously made me laugh so hard my daughter came to check on me.

  4. Glad to have chit chatted with you today about all the Shane magic!!! Sooooooooo awesome. I hope you dont start charging me admission to you and brians office....

    I mean at least give me a discount

  5. I think this painting of Cinderella's castle is one of your finest...but it looks like you didn't spend as much time on the people.

  6. Shane, you're the bravest and hardest working guy in the animation business. I'm glad to know you. That's probably my legacy-- I'll take what I can get.

    Oh, and off the topic...
    Tag! You're it!
    Here's the deal, Mel Milton just tagged me and 6 other people (not sure who) and forced us at gun point to draw 7 sketches (topic of our choice) in any medium. Then post them on our site.

    Then you have the unbridled pleasure of picking 7 victims (er...) friends to do their 7 sketches, and so on.

    Kidding about the gun. Mel just posted a comment.
    Have fun with it. I did.

  7. No rush on the 7 sketches. I only picked on you because I can't get enough of your incredible talents. The more the better.

    Oh, and I hear that congratulations are in order. You know what I mean.

  8. That must have been such a torture doing that 80 hour week. Great spider mokey story below, very funny and thanks for the kind comments on my blog.

  9. Hah, i like the boiling cauldron joke.
