Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I'm tired of making up stuff to draw from my own head. From now on I'm just going to trace food and maybe add a tail or some eyes if I need them to complete the image. This will likely leave me with very awkward-looking, disproportioned crimes of nature, but my brain demands a rest. Plus I'm eating anyway, so there's one less thing I have to do. So long, creativity. Hello, misshapen elephant.


  1. You're a weirdo, Shane. A very talented weirdo, but a weirdo nonetheless. I love you!

  2. Hey Shane.... this Pretzelephant is super fresh.... I wish I could get cool ideas out of my food... but all I seem to get is fat and slugish...... oh well... doesn't mean I won't try... again... I dig this for sure... PEACE!

  3. That's a Garn elephant. I like it. I like the character designs your food makes up way better than your stuff. Keep up the good work, Shane's food.

  4. Ha-larious. I have been making things out of pretzels for years and haven't come up with this one. I love it.

  5. I see the face of Jesus! Alright no I don't. I see an elephant. This is a good idea. Great design. And the Frog Princess is really cool too.

  6. Haha, i like i like...he's gonna fall over with that head.

  7. Man, it must be great to hang out with you.

  8. Awesome. Never has an elephant looked so delicious and hot-from-the-oven.

  9. a stunning design and a wonderful way to come up with him ! THats why your my hero! ALways amazed and never surprised!

  10. I dub pretzelelephant, pure genius.

  11. ROFL! I love this idea....seriously follow through with this. I would love to see more "food inspired designs." Like you, every now and again, my brain seriously starts to hurt just from trying to come up with fresh, 100% original ideas. It's nice to do personal challenges that require a little less brain power, but still stretch your creativity. This is an awesome idea. Not sure that food-inspired creations would work as a challenge in my line of "work," but I challenge myself every now and again to design projects by looking at various magazine/billboard ads. It's definitely nice to relax the brain for a second when I do that. Anyway...I LOVE this Pretzelephant. LOL! It kinda has an "Ephalumps and Woozels" type feel to it. I love the look in his eyes. Crazy how you capture even the mood of your characters.LOL! Love this! Dude...I'm chatty today. Sory about the "blog entry" within your blog entry. LOL!

  12. This is awesome! Such a great idea, and very funny.

  13. I can't wait to see the next in this series, maybe something with meat.

  14. Somehow I think that takes more skill than just making stuff up! Top stuff

  15. It's my desktop now.

    Highest honor.

  16. This rocks! I love happy accidents that inspire. Great drawing as usual.

  17. Hah, that cracks me up! You need to sell the drawing+pretzel combo on ebay.

  18. I meant to comment on this before now, but I wanted to be the 20th person to comment... so I waited.

    This cracks me up Shane. Why didn't I think of this? Because I'm not a freak like Shane Lewis, er... I meant 'comic genius'. I hope you will do more illustrations based on food designs. The very idea makes me laugh.

  19. Well this is just pure genius. As Joe said, he replaced his desktop picture of mine with this, I know when I'm beaten, I concede. This is so cool, you know you've made it when Joe Fowler puts your artwork on his desktop. Great work!
