Tuesday, March 06, 2007

My Chipalobuffamunk & Me

When I saw that this week's Toon Club topic was "Imaginary Friends," I didn't know what I would draw. I never had any imaginary friends... unless all my friends were imaginary. I guess that would explain the low turnout for my birthday party.

I decided to turn my childhood self into a character from
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends... a fine show on Cartoon Network. Seeing my t-shirt, you may assume that this drawing is set in 1981. But if you watch our home movies (and don't) you'll see that I was wearing that same "81" shirt on four consecutive Christmas mornings. So all the numbered t-shirt indicates is that it was not before 1981.

Sadly, the head-to-body size comparison here is not a caricature... which is probably why I never changed shirts. Squeezing my giant noggin through tiny neck holes has nearly ripped off my ears on several occasions. I'd probably still be wearing that t-shirt if I hadn't torn through the thing like an angry Incredible Hulk in late '85.

Got the Lakers shorts and high-tops going there too... I was quite a Lakers fan in the 80's. Magic, Kareem, Worthy, Scott, Cooper... hey! The 80's Lakers were my imaginary friends! I'm so glad I finally put this together. Thanks for missing my birthday party... stupid Lakers.


  1. haha hilarious post ST! i still have imaginary friends!

  2. I like this alot great stuff.

  3. The longer version of the story that you have here makes the drawing even better. I discovered in my time off that the cartoon network actually plays some better cartoons during weekdays...but only during the day. Apparently evenings and Saturdays are not when they want to entertain me. Great "friend".

  4. other than your work theres nothing finer than some 80's lakers...ahhhh the memories!

    Thanks for sharing mr lewis. Nuther smile chalked up.

  5. You nailed the style with this one. Awsome blog!

  6. This is awesome Shane, I'm very inspired. Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends is my favorite cartoon show ever, but I've never thought of drawing young me with an imaginary friend in that style. I may have to copy your idea, very cool.

  7. Yo! I love this! Man, very very cool. Nice design.

  8. Absolutely great and genius. Wow, really great design!

  9. You really make this stuff look easy. Swine!

  10. Great style imitation! Very well done, and fun designs.

  11. Been a while since I've come by for a look...some really great suff here...took me a while to read all this stuff but I laughed quite a few time...even out loud. I hope to meet you some time...really like your work!

  12. dude, you are way too funny!!! great pic. different style for you but ya nailed it. cheers

  13. What about A.c Green? Very nice Buffalochipawhatchamacallit too by the way. Yeah 80's Lakers!

  14. I always love the drawings, but I think the writing is what I enjoy the best. I'd really like to see a drawing of that head trying to go through that shirt neck hole. Maybe that's why you never took it off.

  15. As always this is hilarious and impressive! I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of your imaginary friend!

  16. Yes! Thats a great character. He's so orange. Its nice to see a bit of a different style comming form you. When I first saw it I thought of Fosters imaginary friends. Very cool cartoon.

  17. How are you so consistantly hilarious Shane? Is there a recipe, I want it. Awesome illustration! Great caricature-- looks just like you, only younger... and cartoony. Stopping by to read your comments is always a treat.

  18. Nice one Shane. I am glad I don't live in your world—I would have to commit myself, wait, my wife already did that.

  19. Alas, the inner workings of the crazy man I live with. I don't know if there's a cause to your weirdness - but I attribute it to the size of your head. And to those of you who don't know Shane personally - his head really IS that big...seriously. I've tried to make him a hat before - it's giant. It's full of random facts too - all mixed in with the craziness.

  20. again, shane. you are the funniest person I know. Someday Walt Disney animation will need you as their gag man. It's cool how Pixar is kicking them back into shape, huh?


  21. Wow! Brilliant blog; love the classic Pinocchio picture. Isn't it just the best thing when you find them?

    Lots of Love,

  22. I love it..it is very fosterish however your style still shows through. I love the big guy, he is great and fun and nice personal touches. YOU got Great stuff on here!

  23. I love your character designs and I really like your post showing the step-by-step process of finishing a drawing in photoshop.

    I'm just starting out on the $100,000 Animation Drawing Course but I'm a complete novice....and it shows! But just wanted to say how great I think your characters are, you make me green with envy!
