Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Not-So-Little Mermaid

A while back I drew a mermaid and wrote something about manatees being the possible source of the mermaid myth. Manatees? Really? Perhaps its time our historians of mythology consider other possibilities. Not even sailors get that drunk.


  1. Shane, I love the not-painting. And I do beleive sailors do get that drunk...but they're usually the ones that don't make it back to port.

  2. I was just sitting here drinking my rum when I came across this drawing. That mermaid in the water is hot! Great drawing love the expressions on all the sailors.

  3. Everyone of those sailor rock. The compisition is great too. That manatee looks like she's tired of all the attention. I say she because it would be gross if it was a dude...:)

    Jim Rice

  4. Hilarious. :) Love the manatee's 5:00 shadow.... Those sailors must be BOMBED.

  5. Yeah... I don't know. Sailors drink a LOT. And manatees are kinda curvy. Maybe not good curvy, but curvy.

    Awesome awesome drawing as always.

  6. The red haired guy looks like he is saying, "take it off", or at least that is what I imagine.

  7. I guess it all depends on how long those sailors have been at sea! ;-)

  8. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess? Love is blind? Any of these work?

  9. Excellent characters, all different personalities. Great work!

  10. too funny! Great illo...

  11. Love it, love it, love it!

    This is simply a wonderful drawing, and I love all the elements to it!

  12. I love how all the drunk sailors are sitting in a little tug boat. I didn't know there were so many expressions of love, but each sailor has a different one. I'm not sure if I'd like any drunk sailor giving me any one of those looks though. -Well maybe the guy the most to the left- his lips make a heart and that's kind of cute. Wait, what am I talking about?

  13. This is such a great drawing and color job, sir. I keep looking at it. I am starting to notice that it kind of looks like the manatee just barfed up all that kelp around it. She doesn't look very healthy.

    Oh, wait. That's how all manatees look.

  14. WOW! The expressions, story-telling, beautiful! I can see them moving!

  15. great illustration, i like the two big guys...pucker up!

  16. great illustration, i like the two big guys...pucker up!

  17. hahaha! i love it!

    seriously, the combination LOTS of time rocking around in a big boat on the sea with a bunch of stinky sailors and a whole lot of rum, if skurvy didn't get a hold of me, I think that manatee would probably look pretty darn attractive!

    wait. that doesn't sound right at ALL! i retract my entire statement altogether! ;)

    AWESOME drawing! ;)

  18. Love this one, Shane! Their expressions are terrific, especially the guy with his arms out.

  19. There is such an attractive sadness in that manatee. If you were lost at sea for that long, that "pretty lady" would look darn good.

  20. Made me laugh...great drawing and a neat idea . I see a manatee calender in the future ?

  21. Another bit of pure genius. Man, you rock! These character designs are so great! I love this one!

  22. Ha! Agreed, there isn't enough liquor... ;-)

  23. ohhhhhhh...she looks so shamed. as if this has all happened to her before. drunk sailors. oy. this is a great illio, shane! :)

  24. what can i say...this is perfect! the Manatee expression is braking my heart :'( poor not so little thing!

  25. love that you put the reflection of that guy in the water. thanks

  26. hahahhaa....super funny illo!!!

  27. hilariously sweet ;)I love all the different expressions, the manatee's in particular.

  28. This is just an awesome translation of a some old myths!

    Just hilarious!

  29. You've got a milliomn comments - and rightfully so! This illo made me giggle out loud. Its just perfect. The manatee looks so bashful. Top work!
