Wednesday, December 06, 2006

You Better Watch Out!

I drew this for our Christmas card last year, based on the song "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." Some of my friends said they had to hide or destroy the card because it was scaring their kids. That song always made me a little uncomfortable, so I was glad to relay that terror to a new generation of children.

"He sees you when you're sleeping.
He knows when you're awake.
He knows when you get home from school,
And he knows what bus you take."
That's not exactly how the song goes, but I think the lines I added are implied. If he sees me when I'm sleeping AND when I'm awake... what else is there? He sees everything I do! It's a Christmas stalking. Normally I avoid puns, but in this case I'm not ashamed. It had to be said.


  1. This is so awesome that I feel it deserves to be a painting. If you're not going to do it I'll volunteer.

  2. ROFLMHO!!!!!!! OK...this is my fave entry so far! That is hilarious. I have to admit, that part in the song IS a titch creepy, isn't it?! LOL! I love your rendition. The picture is both funny and seriously scary! LOL! Great one Shane!

  3. I love it!!! My wife and I have been using the "Santa is watching you" tactics on our kids for several months now. You have just provided me with another tool to motivate good behavior. Thank you.

  4. dude, this kid better git ready for santa to unleash a can of whuppass on him! Great stuff!

  5. Hahaha When we got out our Christmas stuff the other day I came across this card stuck with other decorations. I'm glad we kept it. It is so funny! I loved the little newsletter of statistics you sent out with it. You are one talented and funny guy. P.S. Kendyl and Makenzie weren't scared of your card last year, but just now Kendyl looked at your blog a little worried. I guess she's old enough to be freaked out by it this year. :)

  6. I think you are right santa is a stalker, and what exactly is he watching children for anyway? Nice pic, I think I saw that guy on Dateline.

  7. I wonder if he'll see the boobytraps I put in my fireplace... ¬_¬

  8. Hahaha, man, THAT is how I felt... like Santa was going to beat me with his sack of toys! Great piece, Shane! Nice composition!

  9. This is great. I wish I could use it for my Christmas card.

  10. I love this. I'm definitely gonna show it to my kids!!!

  11. Shane,

    I'm sure Santa also reads your blog, so I would sleep with the lights on if I were you. He's probably got elves stealing your pin numbers and bugging your phone right now.

    What makes this card so very scary is how cute it also is. It's just wrong.

    Well done!


  12. everything about this is awesome! Love the expressions on both characters. On the mark yet again! ( not surprised )

  13. This is awesome Shane, and don't avoid puns, they're awesome too.

  14. Quality ! :) Striking fear into kids with Santa,you're a sick man :)

  15. hey Iv'e only just discovered your blog. Wow I love your artwork and these rainbow dogs are just awsome. The flying pig at the top of the page is just superbly done ^__^ I shall be back...

  16. This is awesome, specially for those kids who don't behave and they think they desrve everything...

    Good artwork!!!!!!!!!
