Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Welcoming November

This morning when I turned on the kitchen light, I was horrified to find a terrible thing on our kitchen table. Staring at me from right there where I had hoped to eat breakfast... a human skull. What the crap?! Is this some kind of joke? Who did this?

This kind of thing happens to me every year on the first of November. What was festive and fun the day before becomes deplorable over night. Waking up to November is like waking up from hypnosis. Why did I decorate my house that way? And what was I wearing? The minute Halloween ends, I'm ready to move on.

In moving on, though, I don't like to skip straight from Halloween to Christmas. As of today I expect to hear Christmas music and see holiday displays showing up in stores. But what about November? Pretending November doesn't exist is disrespectful to the fat, ugly, stupid turkey I'm going to be eating in 22 days... and if there's anything I have for turkeys, it is respect... and gravy.


  1. I love a good turkey sandwich. I think Turkey is one of the few things that looks better cooked than it did living.

  2. I can almost see the animated .gif of him turning into a cooked turkey. Now I'm hungry, Thanks Shane.

  3. That's a very surly turkey. Nice design!

  4. I agree, man. Enough pumpkins! Bring on the pumpkin pie!

  5. I love it! Turkey that is, but if all turkeys looked as great as the one here, I'd never eat them. I'd just take pictures of them in little costumes for my Christmas cards.

    Excellent design, sir. Any time you can get me to chuckle at a turkey, you have done your job well.

  6. Awesome Turkey, he looks like he might be expecting something bad to happen real soon.

  7. i like his expression! great blog by the way! ;)

  8. Wait a minute! - This turkey looks exactly like your Dracula - I don't think you have really gotten over Halloween yet.

  9. you never cease to make me laugh with your anecdotes or amaze with your fabulous drawerings ;)

    now i'm hungry for turkey and pumpkin pie though! ;)

  10. man, you just made me wish i lived in the states. canadians celebrate thanksgiving in july. ok, not july but way too early. i think i'd like to have another big shindig before christmas and then...then the holidays would be on. great drawing btw.

    ps damn you for getting me hooked on LOST. now every wednesday night i go to bed frustrated and confused. usually i'm just confused.

  11. Very cool! That face is pretty funny. Almost like he's upset that you drew him.
