Thursday, October 05, 2006

I'm Totally LOST

If you've never watched Lost, you know more about what's going on than I do. The more I watch it, the less I know. Having seen every episode, I don't even know how to spell my own name. Each episode introduces hundreds of questions without answering any that were presented previously.

When my wife saw this sketch, she said, "Why does Eko have a tail?" That's the only thing that struck her as odd? This show makes no sense at all... and I love it! There was actually a polar bear on the island at one point. What? And why do the Others keep sharks in the same aquarium as dolphins? I hope they're at least separated by a fence of some kind.

I drew this for our
Avalanche Software blog... the topic of our art challenge was "Lost." There was no way I was going to post a caricature or a painting on there... the other artists here are far too intimidating. I went with an image of what I feel like I've seen after watching each episode... something I wouldn't be too surprised to see in the next season or two.

I know what you Lost fans are thinking... "Hurley doesn't wear glasses!"

Today's lucky numbers are: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42. What? I'm so Lost.


  1. Well I have never seen the show but the drawing looks awesome.

  2. amazing how lost one can get on this show..

    Great pic Shane! Most hilarious! theres should be a black wisp of smoke floating around there somewhere...

  3. I want to play chess on Hurley's back.

    It's lovely.

  4. hilarious! i'm also LOST! =D

  5. beautiful charicatures. And nice polar bear. Your drawings are always so solid, shane. I dig it.

    Oh hey, by the way, a new kid just moved in from Canada, and he's in the animation program. His friend just got hired at Pixar for story, and there are story openings right now on the website. Here's a link to the project that this guy did to get in. Just as a reference for what actually worked, you know?


  6. woops, acutally, do this one

  7. that polar bear is awesome. ya i've seen quite a few episodes and its tough to stay with them. i still love it though. speaking of sweet tv, 24 hits DVD in a month. i can hardly wait. love it all.


  8. You, brother, are an inspiration to all of humanity. I also like how you can re-use previously re-used backgrounds...I guess the bear scared the dancing pirates away? :)

  9. Sweet polar bear, sweet conceptualization (word?). I feel like I've seen every episode just looking at this drawing. Thank you. Thank you for saving me so much time.

  10. Dude I am SO impressed! I like how you compressed every understandable part of the show in one picture! *nervous laugh* Great posts Shane! You're so creative!

  11. I think this is my favorite lost image I have ever seen. Especially love the shape of the bear's body.

  12. What, and you're not intimidating Shane. Good grief, not seeing the forest for the trees are ye? You crack me up!

    I've to to admit I've never seen an episode, but now I have to. If it's this weird, it's a must see!

  13. I'm a LOST junkie, too- the worst kind. I'm watching them a season behind on DVD, so I will watch four episodes in a stretch...imagine the cloud o' cornfusion that creates!

    I keep thinking, "who the? What the?" but I...can't...look...away.

    Great illo!

  14. Shane, you need kids. Or maybe I need a TiVo......

  15. ah ah! very funny..
    and great style!

  16. This is wonderful. The art work is really so good, and the concept is perfect. I'm with you, I am so LOST with LOST that I threaten each week not to watch...

    but I do.

  17. simply exceptional.
    Greetings from Venezuela

  18. Shane-
    this has got to be my most favorite take on the topic so far. its so from left field, just like the show. thanks for the laugh.

  19. Thats brilliant! As ever, you made me laugh out loud! I had to stop watching Lost at the begining of season 2, and I am so glad i did! Life just seems to make more sense without it!

  20. Great piece! I love the composition.

  21. Great work! Lost is lost to me.

  22. i love this one!
    Panda :)

  23. I'm Lost when it comes to Lost, too. Like your "cartoon." And apparently yhou have THE ANSWER. At least according to Douglas Adams: 42

  24. It's too late for me to get into Lost, but I absolutely love this! The intensity of their faces are wonderful! love the shading and and lines as well! Great stuff!
