Monday, September 25, 2006

Halloween Sketches

So many of you have been posting Halloweenish sketches and paintings lately... I was inspired to try some of my own. I wanted to draw some scary-looking Halloweeners (probably not the best name for them), but it turns out I don't draw "scary." Everything I ever drew in college got the same response from other students... "Oh, that's cute." Cute? That's a guy wearing a pony carcass getting hit by a train. I actually didn't draw that... yet. But I bet I could make it "cute." More Halloweeners will be on the way soon.


  1. although, they are indeed ..cute. they are also very cool and awesomely drawn!

  2. Delightful Halloween menagerie, my artistic chum! Top Right werewolf is my fave! Kind of looks like a Tasmanian Were-Monster!

    Excellent work, as usual!

  3. These are really nice, great personality in them.

  4. These are fantabulous! I think what people mean by "cute" is "loads of appeal." At least, that's what I mean.

  5. whoo hooo!! Loving this post..( not cause Ive been on the holloween deep end mind you...)

    but because of the Shane magic! Your designs always knock my socks off!

  6. I really like that werewolf!

    I was about to make some smug comment about how you can make any character scary by messing around with the eyes and mouth and making them unnatural or disturbing. But then I took your werewolf sketch into painter and tried to do it. There's something magic about your characters, I think---it's impossible to make them scary.

    Even with dark-ringed,glowy eyes and a slack-jawed mouth, your werewolf is cute. Dagnabit.

  7. HAH! Nice sketches, Shane. That CUTE werewolf on the bottom right looks like he's gonna dig into a big plate of brownies.

  8. Shane, those are THE most disturbing designs I've ever seen. I had to ask my son to leave the room when your page loaded. I thought you were a nice guy , but this...this grotesque dislpay of pure evil is uncalled for. I have to go now and not because I want to but because my child is screaming hystarically in the other room. BUTTER NUTS!!?!

  9. great designs, i really like the Count. that underbite is awesome.

  10. very cute! No in all honestly these are so good man...your have one bad-ass sense of design. nicely done.

  11. Once again I want to see this made into a cartoon. I can just see the Frankenstein monster saying, "You kids stop that! Where are my brownies? Me swear me can't keep any sweets around here for any reasonable period of time. Dracula will you stop biting me? Me already told you I don't have any blood."

    OK, the script may need some work.

  12. Dracula is my favorite! The werewolves are all very "Cute" though! Good work!

  13. Werewolves are awesome! Yours are SUPER awesome!
