Monday, August 21, 2006

The Little Match Girl

Here's a little girl I designed a while back. I thought she turned out all right. She's for something that you'll probably never see, but if you do, you'll remember today as the day you first saw her. "Dear Diary..."

Also, I just added a link to an online store I made... it has some of my drawings on t-shirts and mugs and things. I put it there for my family, because a couple of them had said a while back that they wanted a shirt with one of my drawings on it. If anyone else wants to throw their money away, I'm gladly accepting royalties. And you other artists might want to consider making things too... in less than a week I already sold a shirt and a mug to people I don't know. I've made $2.85!


  1. All kinds of cuteness. Wonderful design and color, as usual. I love the gamut of emotions you've given us here. The wide eyed smile is my favorite, but it's so sweet that I must now check my blood suga........

    False alarm. I'm fine. Good drawing!

  2. Sweet, but I like your rodents so much better! Keep it up!

  3. cutie pie. Great expressions. And the Rodent of Ridiculous Size is ridiculously delicious as well as that story. I got dirty looks for askin for a happy meal at burger king....what I went through just to get those damn star wars toys...

    great post shane!

  4. st.louis is my hometown, when did you live there?... oh and nice work

  5. I just visited the website. Great work! And what a wonderful website idea. I know you haven't been doing this for long but give it some time! I'm getting a pig shirt myself. The truth is, pigs CAN fly after all, and you're a proof of that(and I'm going to be the next proof of that if I might say so).
    I was wondering, what tools/digital programs do you use to create your characters? Thanks.
    ps- Come visit me at

  6. Zazzle needs more of your work. Add on, mi amigo, add on. One day they'll change the name to S.T.Lewazzle. Probably not, but only because you can't put periods in your domain name. I'm sure they'll think of something more clever that will properly pay homage to your contribution. Yeah.

  7. hheheee.ive been reading and skimming through your writting here...and theyre so great.
    it takes pretty interesting things to keep me reading. and youve done it.
    plus your drawings are just lovely! heh.

  8. She's so wonderfull! Love her face!


  9. I love the expression in the upper left - it looks like she just broke a cookie jar or something :) Not sure how it fits into the topic 'match' though (other than her eyes and shirt = blue). Great job otherwise...

  10. Thank you all for the comments. Let's see if I can respond to some of them:

    Glad you survived this, Adrian.

    I know the feeling, Mel... so demeaning, but so worth it for those Star Wars toys.

    Jert - I only lived in St. Louis until I was about two. Creve Couer, I believe, if there is such a place.

    Angel - I draw them with pencil, sometimes clean them up with ink, and then I color them in Photoshop using lots of dumb shortcuts I've developed over time to avoid having to learn to paint. I'm glad you went to and liked my store... more stuff's on the way.

    Brett - is excellent! Hurry and secure that domain for me.

    Carol - I'm glad I keep you entertained for a bit. Thanks for stopping by.

    Sashimi and Mark - thanks. I know it's not the greatest fit for Illustration Friday's "Match" topic, but my good bud Adrian came up with calling her "The Little Match Girl," and I decided to go with that... even though that's not technically who she is.

    Again - thanks, everyone! Later.

  11. Ouchy! Got a toothache just checkin' out your blog Shane. She's oh so sweet! Beautiful drawing Shane-- If you ever have a little girl I'm sure she'll look just like her.

    Good luck with that!

  12. She is so cute that my ears are bleeding. She is actually so cute that she is border line evil.

  13. she is great,
    i like her expressions!

  14. One of these days I am going to have to walk down to the fourth floor and figure out who you are. I dig your stuff.

  15. she is the cutest little girl ever. adorable poses and those eyes!

    getting a very "puss in boots" vibe.

  16. Shane, me likey. Now to just get you to start using Illustrator CS2, then me would likey even more. Come over and I will give you lessons.

  17. Shane, these are amazing expressions. They show a complex range of emotions. I'll keep coming by. Awesome stuff, and thanks again for the link.

  18. Aw, i love her expressions. So cute!

  19. So many great posts lately, I love that rat!

  20. these are great! love the expressions! what do you colour in?

    Will check oot your shop!

    Oh and thanks for linking to my blog! Much appreciated!! will return the favour :D

  21. Ooooh ... she is adorable!! CUTE expressive faces!!


  22. she is one cute lil gal!!! little kids are soo hard to draw(for me) but this design is great

  23. AW! She's SO cute! I love her!!

    And I can't wait to see your store! YAY! ;)

  24. I'd make an online store if I wasn't too lazy. Congrats on your $2.85. And I like your little match girl.

  25. Beautifull character study!
    You're awesome Shane!

  26. Wow, Shane! You're a popular guy! Who says this doesn't fit the "match" topic? Of course it does. She's really a great design. I'm thinking about getting a flying pig t-shirt too. That's such a great idea to make a little lunch money on the side. You're so cool.

  27. aw she looks so sweet i wanna pick her up and hug her and listen to her tell her little stories and making gestures with her hands. :]

  28. I turn 30 in October... but this post turns 30 riiiight...


  29. Hi. I realize you made this a while ago, but I hope you still read this comment. I was wondering (and I perfectly understand if you say no) if I could use this picture you've posted to make livejournal icons for myself. She looks a lot like me- I'm 21 but look like I'm 12- and of course I'd give you credit, etc. :)
