Friday, August 11, 2006

The Headless-Horse Man

This week’s Toon Club topic is “circus freaks.” You’re probably thinking, “This doesn’t look anything like the Headless Horseman.” That’s because it’s not. This is the “Headless-Horse Man.” It’s easy to confuse the two of them… I bet they get each other’s mail.

I like the idea of circus freaks having ID badges… like circus security’s not going to believe they’re freaks. What picture do you put on a headless man’s ID? Maybe I’ll call the DMV with that one.

My wife said this was “gross.” I’m glad being headless also means you’re earless, because words hurt. Live strong, Headless-Horse Man.


  1. Im such a fan boy of your work and how you think. This craks me up! (And I may have to get one of those statues !! Very nice!)

  2. My question is how does he eat, let alone carry on a conversation. Must be very frustrating. Too cool Shane!

  3. you need to start making saturday morning cartoons with these ideas!!

    the badge is great, especially since he has no head

  4. hahaha your work cracks me up

  5. Sweet wristband. I love how, despite his handicap, he's able to stay "heads up" on the latest fashions.

  6. I really like how his insides look like prime rib.

  7. I really like his left hand trying to "see" where he's going. The spotlight rules, too.

  8. The drawing's great, but grammatically speaking, I beleive he should be titled "The Headless Horse-Man". However, I fully recognize that you, as the artist, have the right to name and title your work accordingly. "Live Strong".

  9. Awesome creepy disgusting FUN! ;)

  10. I fell out of my chair. you're good, Shane


  11. When all else fails... toe.
